Vizva INC

Health Check

Occupational Health Services

The main reason that employees refuse to attend health assessments is they do not understand why they have to have them. There may be a lot of misunderstanding and suspicion about a new program, with employees believing their jobs are at risk. OH services will advise you on the correct type of health assessment programme and how to inform your workers.

Identify Key Risks Factors

There are a number of possible approaches to health checks (e.g. individual appointments or drop-in sessions). Organisations should choose the best option for them based on a number of factors, e.g. the size of the organisation, cost implications, the type of business and the pattern of work of employees. Individual appointments allow time for a comprehensive range of checks and tests to be carried out.

Support Mental Illness

Providing ongoing and on-site health checks is an investment in the long-term mental health and well being of your employees. A health check may be able to detect mental illness before it becomes unmanageable or unbearable for your employee. Providing employees with the resources to find the help they need safeguards the financial security of your company and increases productivity.


Here to Help Your
Every Business Need.

Spend less time doing HR tasks and focus on what matters. Together we translate HR into Business usefulness.


Here to Help Your Every Business Need.

Spend less time doing HR tasks and focus on what matters. Together we translate HR into Business usefulness.

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